Get a One-time Cleaning

Our one-time cleaning services give you the complete cleaning make-over that every home deserves!

Rest assured that your home will gleam from top to bottom. Leaving no corner untouched. Our Top to Bottom Deluxe Cleans and General Cleans were designed to set the stage for our weekly or bi-weekly Maintenance Cleans, but we have found they also work great as a stand-alone service.


Which Clean is Right For You?

It’s our job to help you choose the right level of service for your needs. Picking the right service level is extremely important for getting the results you want when you hire a cleaning service. Trust us, if you try to skimp on services, you might end up feeling let down, no matter who you hire.

That’s why we’re big fans of starting off with our Top-To-Bottom Deluxe Cleaning for your first visit. It’s the best way to ensure everything gets the attention it needs. If you’ve had a professional cleaning within the last four weeks, then our Maintenance General Cleaning might be the perfect fit for you. Otherwise, starting with the deluxe option is your best bet for that extra sparkle!

Add-On Services

Fridge Interior

Oven Interior

Bed Linens Changed

Cabinet & Drawer Interiors

*The following are specialty services that are not currently part of our company’s scope of work: carpet cleaning, window cleaning, unfinished basements, attics and garages, chandeliers, porches & other outdoor areas, and hazardous situations.